How do you pronounce conure? Is it "con your" ..or "ca nore"? - how to pronounce conure
It is with him.
I was not sure and had to ask (not Yahoo). : PI know Conure owners, breeders Conure, and a person he saw on television Conures and all three have said otherwise. So confused. Then I looked into it.
Conure correctly pronounced with-Yur
say Caique pronounced Kie-EEK
Con-Yur is correct.
Now - how do you pronounce "film"?
(I have three, so I know how) ---: P
with its distinct is its almost at least what I think. grrrr my birddies IE and not down thumb me constantly bites me, I can be a good horse or a dog any day of the week for a bird can not bite, even met him when he is wrong.
With Su, the birds were so great! Hope you have a ..
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