At night of champions it will be melina vs michelle mccool for the womens championship who will win and why? - melina t. metart
When Melina wins Who's Next in Line for a World Cup game? Or if Michelle McCool wins Who's Next in Line for a World Cup game? Please explain your answer!
I think Michelle should win, and Mary was the next title shot for people who think they should have some reason to get to his @ $ $ kicked by Michelle and finally locked up save.
Or if Melina def think you should go after Natalie from SD! again
N vs Maryse (Mickie their NOC Comment)
I hope Melina wins again and I think that Natalia for the title she has had to fight, not the recognition I mean come on Jim's "girl" Anvil Neidhart
How do you know? The only party that has been confirmed, was Mickie vs. Maryse. But Michelle would win, because it is too early to lose the title. But I wanted to win Melina ...
Well, this is Beth phoneix course the best diva. It definitley deserves the title.
Well, this is Beth phoneix course the best diva. It definitley deserves the title.
Well, if you're right, Wil Mccool retain his title, the next candidate would be Melina again.
Michelle will win and feud with Natalya
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